Ilonet on line final conference: 19 november 2020

On Thursday 19th November 2020 (h 10.00 – 12.00 CET) the final event of the Ilonet project – Fostering capacities and networking of industrial liaison offices, exploitation of results and business support will be held online. During the event, organized by ARTI, the results obtained in two years through the project, funded by the Interreg Greece-Italy 2014 – 2020

Puglia meets Greece: workshop and special screenings 4-5 november 2020

Puglia Region organizes the cross-fertilization event “Puglia meets Greece”, a comparison among cinema protagonists, institutions, stakeholders and operators of the two territories, on 4-5 November 2020 online, within Interreg Sparc project. The round table is scheduled on Wednesday 4th November (10:00-13:15 Italian time), on zom on line platform at the following link: Since the number

Conference of Creativity Trade Fair: on line the video presentations

“Putting creativity at the heart of European Recovery Fight” is the title of the event that featured representatives of the institutions and the cultural world who discussed issues such as culture, tourism productive and manufacturing sectors, digital and national politics in Culture planning perspective for the coming years.The first edition of the Creativity Fair is

Interreg Tags International Conference: Sustainability of agri-food systems 4-5 November 2020

CREA Agriculture and Environment, as Lead Partner of the TAGs project organizes the International Conference on “Sustainability of agri-food systems” followed by the Workshop on “Application of technological tools in agricultural production”, on 4 and 5 November 2020 (9.00-13.00 Italian Time). The 2 events will give the chance to representatives from Public Authorities, Universities, public

Interreg Yess: public call to select 5 start-uppers deadline 23 november 2020

Chamber of Commerce of Bari launches a public call to select 5 Italian aspiring start-uppers and new formed start-ups, to be included in a 2-month free virtual incubation path, within Interreg Yess project Applications can be submitted from 26 October 2020 (h. 09.00 Italian time) Deadline for the submission is 23 November 2020 (h. 12.00

Circle-In web academy: higher training program for circular economy

A web academy on the issues of circular economy and related business models: 20 webinars held by researchers, professionals and entrepreneurs. Available for free and after the registration from 21 October to 21 November 2020 on . It is the new initiative of the Circle-In project – Promoting CIRCuLar Economy INvestments and policies in

Agrifood innovation, food circular economy and sustainability: 3 key words for Innonets final event

On Wednesday 14th October 2020 (h 15.00 – 17.00 CET) the final event and press conference of the InnoNets project – Innovative Networks for the Agrifood sector will be held online. The event, that will be held in English language, is organized by Puglia Region – Department of Economic development, innovation, education, training and employment,