Interreg Themis: an agreement to intensify the maritime traffic of small cruise ships and luxury yachts in Monopoli, Barletta and Paxos

The president of the Port System Authority of the Southern Adriatic Sea, Ugo Patroni Griffi, the deputy mayor of the Municipality of Barletta, Marcello Lanotte, and the delegate of the mayor of the Municipality of Monopoli, Stefano Lacatena, subscribed an agreement in order to develop a network of small ports in order to intensify the

Call for the selection of 16 experts for school on “Sustainable management of coastal heritage”- deadline 12 september

Interreg Triton project launches a call for the selection of 16 public officials, GIS technicians and operators, scholars and experts (8 residing in Italy and 8 in Greece) who will attend the Summer School on the issue of sustainable management of coastal heritage and actions to reduce coastal erosion. It is a training and information

Interreg Triton project: call for the selection of two Apulian Municipalities as models of coastal management

Triton project, through Apulia Region (Lead partner) and ARTI, launches a public call for the selection of two Apulian coastal municipalities representing best practices for the contrast of coast erosion. Deadline 15 July 2019. Triton project, funded by the Interreg V-A Greece-Italy territorial cooperation Programme 2014-2020, is aimed at improving the integration of coastal zone

Interreg Muse project: grand opening of the new premises of Avamposto Mare at Tricase

The new premises of Avamposto Mare, the peripheral seat of Ciheam Bari, was inaugurated on June 28 at Tricase Porto Lecce. The Avamposto Mare was renovated thanks to the EU funds of Interreg Muse project, funded under the Interreg Greece-Italy Programme 2014-2020. 190 square meters entirely renovated for a total investment of €282,300 European funds

Public call for n. 1 JS Representative Officer in Thessaloniki: deadline 30 August 2019

The Managing Authority (Μ.Α.) of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes, with the support of the Management Organization Unit of Development Programmes (M.O.U. S.A.), issues a public call for expression of interest, in order to proceed with the recruitment of staff for n.1 position of JS Representative Officer (REP OF) in the decentralised structure of the Joint Secretariat (J.S.)

+Reduce+Reuse+Recycle: 3 key words for the workshop on circular economy in Lecce

The first workshop of the Circle-In project, “Circular economy: challenges and opportunities for SMS in the cooperation area” took place on 12 December 2018 in Lecce. Organized by the Laboratory of Management Engineering of the University of Salento, together with the Chamber of Commerce of Foggia and the Chambers of Commerce of Ioannina and Lefkada,

Informative Seminar for Italian First Level Controllers May 2019: on line the presentations

The informative seminar for Italian First Level Controllers was held in Bari on 28 of May in the premises of Puglia Region (Fiera del Levante).   The presentations of the Informative Seminar for Italian First Level Controllers are on line. You can download them: Brief history of the Programme and project modifications procedures Financial flow