Interreg Creative@hubs: 2nd Workshop in Aetoloakarnania for creative businesses

The Chamber of Aetoloakarnania, organizes the 2nd Workshop – “Documentary: from idea to creation” within Creative@Hubs project on Friday, 9th of July 2021 at 20:30 p.m., in collaboration with “Polis Production” and the “Philological Art Association of Messolonghi” The workshop will be held in Messolonghi, outside of the Chrysogelos Building, The main theme will focus

Interreg Creative@hubs: 1st Workshop in Aetoloakarnania for creative businesses

The Chamber of Aetoloakarnania, organizes the 1st Workshop – “Historical events as a source of inspiration in art and added value in the cultural industry” within Creative@Hubs project on Saturday, 3rd of July 2021 at 18:30 p.m., in collaboration with “Directorate of Development of the Prefecture of Aetolia – Department of Culture, Tourism and Sports

Interreg Creative@hubs: 24 workshops for creative businesses

One more business meeting was held in Messolonghi on 14 June 2021, at Chrysogelou Building by the Chamber of Commerce of Aetoloakarnania, for planning the implementation of 24 seminars, consulting workshops for creative businesses and entrepreneurs and professionals in the cultural industry within the strategic project Creative@Hubs in collaboration with “Polis Production” and the “Philological

Interreg Dock-Bi: workshop on 15 June

Brindisi and Igoumenitsa are closer thank to Interreg Dock-Bi project The Southern Adriatic Ports Authority organizes the Workshop to present a feasibility study on the creation of a #GECT between Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mare Adriatico Meridionale and Οργανισμός Λιμένος Ηγουμενίτσας/ Igoumenitsa Port Authority in cooperation AI SMART – Interreg V-A Project. The workshop

Interreg COOfHea: an ambitious research to fight the virus

Territorial cooperation and pandemic: Greece and Italy fight the virus with research and join an international research network on COVID-19 An ambitious research project to study the correlation between the genetic profile of a person and his response to Covid19 infection: this is the ambitious challenge of the project “COOFHEA – COOperation For HEAlth” funded