United for F.A.M.E: the motto of Interreg Fame Road project

19 people, 5 official partners, Gravina of Puglia, Grottaglie, UniVersus, the Municipality of Aigialeia and E.R.F.C. – the European Regional Framework for Cooperation, generated many ideas during the second F.A.M.E. Road project meeting, held at the UniVersus Consortium in Bari on 17th and 18th of February. Sustainability, empowerment, education and cultural training for new generations

Interreg Muse: call to select 9 artists for an artist residency from 09 May to 11 July 2020 in Tricase

COMMUNITY AND DISTRICT SHORT ARTISTS’ RESIDENCY PROGRAMME IN TRICASE“Between land and sea: the coast, a border and connection world” 9 weeks of residency dedicated to 9 different artistic projects Deadline 06 March 2020 Ciheam Bari and the the Municipality of Tricase launch a competition to select 9 artists or groups of artists for one-week artist residency

Online the results of the Call Startup and reopening for the provinces of Foggia and Taranto – Deadline 11/2/2020

Online the results of the selection of Young Creative call. Download the file here to view the startups that will benefit of the incubation program in the Local Ateliers. You can request clarifications and more information contacting the following e-mail address: traces@pugliacreativa.it Puglia Creativa, partner of Interreg Traces project re-opens the call, only for the Province of Foggia and

Interreg Creative@HUbs: Kick-off Meeting in Patras

The Kick-off meeting of the project Creative@Hubs – Holistic networking of creative industries via hubs,funded by Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Programme 2014-2020, was held on 23 January in Patras  at the premises of Region of Western Greece. The project, funded for euro 10.000.000,00 intend to support creative industries which are among the most dynamic sectors in

Interreg Re-Water: workshop for the reuse of wastewaters

The Polytechnic University of Bari, in collaboration with environmental engineers Association and the Order of Engineers of the Province of Bari, organizes a technical workshop “Reuse of wastewaters: technological innovations, social and managerial conditionings”. The seminar will take place on January, 30th at the Lecture Hall “Attilio Alto” in the Polytechnic University of Bari. The

Interreg Traces: 44 applications for the Call “Young Creatives Grow-up”

Forty-four applications were received in response to the call “Young Creatives Grow-up”, which aim is to select 25 start-ups in the field of creation, production, development or management of cultural and creative products. to incubate in 5 Local Ateliers in Puglia. The 44 applications are divided: 18 applications for the Bari-Bat province – Local Atelier: Impact Hub Srl